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A cross-platform functional programming language
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationT::_C_rtn | Test return closure |
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationT::_C_test | Test closure |
TypeSpec::AccessType | Outer struct for AccessType enumeration |
Closure::Action | Enumeration of actions to be taken after running the closure |
any | Intrinsic any (variant) type |
AnyExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing an 'any'value |
application | Intrinsic application type |
Application | Singleton class represents application |
autoptr< T > | Auto pointer type |
any::base | Abstract base class for implementations of 'any' type |
BinaryExpr | Base class for all binary expression AST nodes |
BinaryOpExpr | Concrete class for all binary expression AST nodes |
BlockBase | Abstract base class for AST Node representing various blocks |
BooleanConstantExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a boolean constant |
BreakStatement | AST Node representing a break statement |
buffer | Intrinsic buffer type |
CallClosure | AST Nodes representing closures that call functions at the start of a continuation |
callMethod< ObjT, T > | Partial template struct to call a callback function |
callMethod< ObjT, bool > | Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with bool value |
callMethod< ObjT, int > | Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with int value |
callMethod< ObjT, z::string > | Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with string value |
CaseLabel | AST Node representing a case label with an expression |
CastExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a typecast |
CharConstantExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a char constant |
ChildTypeSpec | Base node class typespecs that have a parent type |
Cleaner | Class to clean up files after project generation |
Closure | Base class for closures |
Closure | Base class for AST Nodes representing closures |
ClosureDefWriter | Class that generates a closure definition |
ClosureImplWriter | Class that generates the body for closures |
ClosureInitWriter | Class that generates a closure initialization |
ClosureList | AST Node representing a list of closures |
ClosureT< ReturnT > | Wrapper around Closure base class |
ClosureVisitor | Class that collects external references from closures |
CmdLine | Command line parser class |
CmdLine::Command | Command class |
Compiler | Zen compiler class |
Config | This class represents a configuration in a project (for example, dbg, rel, etc) |
ConstantExpr | Abstract base class for AST Node representing a constant value |
containerbase< listT > | Base of all container classes |
Continuation | Base class for continuations |
ContinuationCtorWriter | Class that generates a closure constructor |
ContinuationDefBodyWriter | Class that generates a closure body |
ContinuationImplGenerator | Class that generates a call to an invocation |
ContinuationImplItem | AST Node for a continuation implementation |
ContinuationList | Continuation list |
ContinuationListT< ReturnT > | Base class for continuation lists |
ContinuationT< ReturnT > | Base class for continuations |
ContinueStatement | AST Node representing a continue statement |
counted | Rudimentary time counter |
counter | Rudimentary function timer |
CppGen | Main class for generating C++ code from an AST |
string::creator | String creator |
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V >::creator | List creator |
dictbase< derT, K, V >::creator | Class to create and populate a dict instance |
Scanner::cursor | Class for maintaining cursor in input stream |
data | Intrinsic data type |
database | Intrinsic database type |
date | Intrinsic date type |
datetime | Intrinsic datetime type |
DeclWriter | Class that generates the declarations for implementation items |
DefaultLabel | AST Node representing a default case label |
DefineVarStatement | AST Node representing a statement that defines a local variable |
RefCollector::DefStackItem | Wrapper around a stack item |
DefWriter | Class that generates the definitions for implementation items |
dict< K, V > | Intrinsic dict type |
dictbase< derT, K, V > | Base class for all dicts |
DictExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a dictionary value |
DictExprBase | Abstract base class for AST Node representing a dictionary value |
DictItem | Concrete AST class for items in dictionary containers |
DictList | Concrete AST class for dictionary containers |
DictTemplate | Dict template: Stores elements in a dictionary |
DictTemplateExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a templated dictionary instantiation |
DoWhileStatement | AST Node representing a do-while statement |
EmptyStatement | AST Node representing an empty statement |
end | Exception end |
Engine | Engine class |
EnumDef | Concrete AST Node representing a user-defined enum |
EnumMemberDef | Concrete AST Node representing a member of a user-defined enumeration |
EnumMemberDefList | AST Node representing a list of enum members |
EnumRefExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a reference to an enum member |
exception | Intrinsic exception type |
ExitClosure | AST Nodes representing closures that enque continuations to be executed on program exit |
Expr | Base class for expression AST Nodes |
ExprEvaluator | Class that converts expression values |
ExprGenerator | Class that writes out an expression |
ExprList | AST node for expression lists |
ExprListWriter | Clas that writes out an expression list |
ExprStatement | AST Node representing an expression statement |
ExprVariableDef | Base node class for VariableDef-derived classes that has an initialization expression |
ExprVisitor | Class that collects external references from expressions |
ExprWriter | Convenience class that wraps an ExprGenerator |
Fiber | Fiber class |
file | Intrinsic file type |
fileinfo | Intrinsic fileinfo type |
filestream | Intrinsic filestream type |
ForeachStatement | AST Node representing a foreach statement |
TypeSpecRefWriter::Format | Defines the output format for types |
ForStatement | AST Node representing a for statement |
dictbase< derT, K, V >::found | Class holding result of a find() in a dict |
FunctionBlock | AST Node representing a routine block |
FunctionCall | AST Node for function invocation |
FunctionCallClosure | AST Nodes representing closures that call a single function anywhere in a continuation |
FunctionCallClosureT< ReturnT > | Base class for FunctionCallClosure |
FunctionCallExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a call to an function |
FunctionDef | Concrete class for all user defined functions, routines, grammars, etc |
FunctionDefCall | AST Node for calling a locally defined function |
FunctionDefImplExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a function definition implementation |
FunctionExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a function instantiation |
FunctionImplCall | AST Node for calling a locally implemented function definition |
FunctionImplExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a function implementation |
FunctionImplItem | AST Node for a function implementation |
FunctionReturnStatement | AST Node representing a return statement in a function block |
FunctorCall | AST Node for functor invocation |
GDefWriter | Class that generates the definitions for implementation items |
GrammarBlock | AST Node representing a grammar block |
GrammarDefActionWriter | Class that generates a grammar action body |
GrammarFileGenerator | Class that generates a grammar file and calls the lexer and parser |
GrammarImplItem | AST Node for a grammar implementation |
GrammarLexer | A Grammar Lexer represents a single lexer in a grammer |
GrammarLexerList | AST Node for list of grammar lexers |
GrammarMember | Base class for all AST nodes representing EBNF grammar RHS elements |
GrammarMemberId | AST Node for EBNF element representing an id or a ID |
GrammarMemberList | AST representing a list of EBNF grammar members |
GrammarMemberNameId | AST Node for EBNF element representing a named ID |
GrammarMemberWriter | Class that generates a grammar member definition |
GrammarOption | AST Node for a grammar option |
GrammarOptionList | AST Node for list of grammar options |
GrammarOptionValueList | AST Node for list of grammar option values |
GrammarRuleStatement | Concrete class for AST node representing an EBNF gramar rule |
GrammarStatement | AST node base class representing a single EBNF grammar statement |
GrammarStatementList | AST Node for list of grammar statements |
GrammarToken | AST representing a single lexer token |
GrammarTokenList | AST representing a list of lexer tokens |
holder< V > | Intrinsic holder type |
IfElseStatement | AST Node representing an if statement with an else |
IfStatement | Abstract base class for AST Node representing a conditional statement |
IfThenStatement | AST Node representing an if statement without an else |
ProjectReader::Impl | Implementation class for ProjectReader |
any::impl< T > | Implementation template for all 'any' types |
Engine::Impl | Engine implementation class |
Joiner::Impl | Class for implementing Joiner |
Application::Impl | Application implementation class |
Compiler::Impl | Zen compiler class implementation |
ProGen::Impl | Implementation of project generator class |
Project::Impl | Implementation of project loader class |
ImplCtorWriter | Class that generates the constructors for implementation items |
ImplItem | Base class for Implementation item nodes |
ContinuationImplGenerator::ImplItemVisitor | Class that generates code to initialize an implementation constructor |
ImplItemVisitor | Class that collects external references from implementation items |
ParseContext::ImportFrame | Stack item for imports |
ImportLevelHandler | Class to ensure proper exit from import level |
ImportStatement | AST Node for an import statement |
Indent | Class that maintains an indentation level |
Indenter | Class that maintains indentation in output files |
ParseContext::IndexableTypeCaster | The Indexable type visitor |
IndexExpr | AST Node for an index expression |
ParseContext::IndexExprCreator | The indexable type visitor for index expressions |
InitClosure | Abstract base class for AST Nodes representing initial closures |
InitVariableDef | The AST Node that represents a variable initialization, such as local variables and for() variables |
ParseContext::InitVariableDefCreator | The indexable type visitor for init variable definitions |
InlineInvoker | Class that writes out a function invocation |
InstanceExpr | Abstract base class for AST Nodes representing an instantiation expression |
InternalCallExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a call to an internal function |
Invoker | Holds a invoker and call parameter |
InvokerCallExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a call to an Invoker |
InvokerType | Holds a function or functor call |
InvokerVisitor | Class that collects external references from invokers |
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V >::iterator | List iterator |
dictbase< derT, K, V >::iterator | Dictionary iterator class |
buffer::iterator | Buffer iterator |
iteratorbase< iterT, V > | Base of all iterators |
iteratorbaseD< iterT, K, V > | Base of all dict iterators |
iteratorbaseL< iterT, V > | Base of all list iterators |
Joiner | Joiner type runners |
key | Intrinsic key type |
Lexer | The Lexer class |
LexerContext | The Lexer Context |
LexerStatement | A grammar statement representing a lexer |
LexerStatementList | List of lexer statement nodes |
Linker | Linker type runners |
list< V > | Intrinsic list type |
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V > | Base of all lists |
ListBase< ItemT > | Base template class for all container classes |
ListExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a list |
ListItem | Concrete AST class for items in list containers |
ListList | Concrete AST class for list containers |
ListTemplate | List template: Stores elements in a list |
ListTemplateExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a templated list instantiation |
LogStatement | AST Node representing a statement that writes one or more expressions to a log |
LoopClosure | AST Node representing a closure that causes the first closure in current continuation to execute again |
LoopClosureT | Base class for Loop closure |
MethodTypeSpec | Base class for all user defined methods such as functions, routines, grammars, etc |
FunctionDef::Modifier | Outer struct for Modifier enumeration |
mutex | Intrinsic mutex type |
mutexlocker | Intrinsic mutex locker type |
Namespace | Concrete class for namespaces |
Node | Abstract base class for all Ast nodes |
nullstream | Intrinsic null stream type |
NumericConstantExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a numeric constant, including integral and floating |
Optimizer | Class for optimizing the AST after creation |
OptionBase | Base class for command line options |
OptionCall< ObjT, T > | Base class for option functions |
OptionVar< T > | Base class for option variables |
OrderedExpr | AST Node for an ordered expression |
CppGen::OutFile | Class encapsulating output file stream |
OutParam | Concrete AST Node representing the out-parameters of a function which returns a set of values (a tuple) |
OutputType | Various binary output types |
owner< V > | Intrinsic owner type |
OwnerTemplate | Owner template |
ParamVariableDef | The AST Node that represents a function parameter |
ParamWriter< T > | Class to write out parameter lists |
ParseContext | The Parser Context |
Parser | The Parser class |
PostfixOpExpr | AST Node for all postfix operators |
PrefixOpExpr | AST Node for all prefix operators |
process | Intrinsic process type |
ProGen | Class for generating project files |
Project | This class represents a project |
Project | Class for loading project files |
ProjectReader | Class to create a project definition struct from an AST |
property | Intrinsic gui property type |
qbinary | Query expression binary operator type |
qconstant< T, qT > | Intrinsic query constant type |
qexpr | Intrinsic query expression type |
qid | Intrinsic query id type |
qint | Intrinsic query int type |
qnot | Query expression binary not type |
qpair | Query expression pair |
qstring | Intrinsic query string type |
QualifiedType | A type with const and ref qualifiers |
QualifiedTypeWriter | Class that writes out reference strings for qualified types |
query | Intrinsic query type |
QueryBinaryExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a binary query expression |
QueryConstantExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a query constant expression |
QueryExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a query |
QueryPartExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a query part |
QueryValExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a query 'val' expression |
queue< V > | Intrinsic queue type |
qval | Intrinsic query val type |
qvisitorT< T > | Abstract base class for query expression visitor |
RefCollector | Class that collects external references from different AST nodes |
result | Intrinsic query result type |
ReturnClosure | AST Node representing a closure that returns values to the parent continuation |
ReturnClosureT< ReturnT > | Base class for Return closure |
RootTypeSpec | Base node class typespecs that do not have a parent type |
RoutineBlock | AST Node representing a routine block |
RoutineImplItem | AST Node for a routine implementation |
RoutineReturnStatement | AST Node representing a return statement in a routine block |
RunClosure | AST Nodes representing closures that enque continuations for parallel processing |
RunContext | RunContext class |
RunContextT< ReturnT > | Base class for run contexts |
RunMode | The run mdoe for the compiler |
Runner | Base class for runners |
RunnerHandler | Calls enter and leave on runner |
RunQueue | Implementation of run queue |
Scanner | Class for scanning the input stream and feeding into the lexer |
Scope | AST Node representing Variable Scope |
scopedptr< T > | Auto pointer type |
SelectStatement | AST Node representing a select statement |
Separator | Class for encapsulating various list separators |
set< V > | Intrinsic set type |
SharedClosure | AST Node representing a closure that holds all variables |
SharedClosureT | Base class for Shared closure |
SharedDef | Concrete AST Node representing the list of variables shared across a continuation |
sharedptr< T > | Shared pointer type |
SharedVariableDef | The AST Node that represents a variable in shared closure |
Splice | AST Node for a splice |
SpliceExpr | AST Node for an splice expression |
stack< V > | Intrinsic stack type |
RefCollector::StackItem | Class maintains a stack item of scopes |
statement | SQL query statement |
Statement | Base class for all AST Nodes representing executable statements |
StatementBlock | AST Node representing a statement block |
StatementGenerator | Class that generates statements |
StatementList | AST Node representing a list of statements |
StatementVisitor | Class that collects external references from statements |
Storage | Outer struct for Storage enumeration |
store | Intrinsic store type |
stream | Abstract stream type |
string | Intrinsic string type |
StringConstantExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a string constant |
StringFormatExpr | AST Node representing a string format expression |
stringlist | Intrinsic stringlist type |
ProjectReader::Impl::StringListType | Type of string list to read into |
stringset | Intrinsic stringset type |
stringstream | Intrinsic stringstream type |
StructDef | Concrete AST Node representing a user-defined struct |
StructDefList | Concrete AST Node representing a list of struct's. Used in experimental feature implementing subtypes |
StructExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a struct instantiation |
StructInitExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a struct instantiation with an alternate initialization mechanism |
StructInitItem | A struct initialization item for initializing individual members of a struct |
StructInitList | A struct initialization list |
StructMemberVariableDef | The AST Node that represents a member variable inside a struct |
SwitchLabel | Abstract base class for AST Node representing a case label in a switch or select statement |
SwitchLabelList | AST Node representing a list of case labels |
SwitchStatement | AST Node representing a switch statement |
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationT | Templated base class for test continuation |
TemplateTypeSpec | Base class for templated types |
TernaryOpExpr | AST Node for all ternary operators |
TestFactory | Base class for test factories |
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT > | Templated base class for test factories |
TestResult | Test result class |
time | Intrinsic time type |
Timer | Rudimentary timer class |
timer | Intrinsic timer type |
Token | The token data returned by the scanner |
TokenData | The token data returned by the lexer |
Tracer | Class for tracing enter and leave of functions |
transaction | Intrinsic transaction type |
tree | Intrinsic tree type |
TreeExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a tree value |
TypeDecl | Base class for typedef declarations, typically used to declare native types |
TypeDef | Base class for typedef definitions |
TypeDefExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a typedef instantiation |
ParseContext::TypeDefSig | Temporary holder for typedef signature |
TypeDefTypeSpec | Base class for typedef types |
TypeSpec | Base node class for all type specifications |
TypeSpecDefGenerator | Class that generates the definitions for types |
TypeSpecMemberGenerator | Class to obtain separator between elements of different types |
TypeSpecMetaTypeDeclarator | Class that generates the code for registration for types |
TypeSpecRefGenerator | Class that writes out reference strings for all the different types |
TypeSpecRefWriter | Convenience class that wraps around the TypeSpecRefGenerator class |
TypeSpecStatement | AST Node representing a statement that defines types within statement blocks |
UnaryOpExpr | Base class for all unary expression AST nodes |
Unit | Unit class represents a single compilation unit in a project |
Unit | AST Node for a compilation unit |
UserDefinedTypeSpec | Base class for all user-defined types |
VariableDef | Base node class for all variable definitions |
VariableDefListBase | Base node class for list and map of variable definitions |
VariableDefMap | This node stores a mapping between a variable and the variable itself |
VariableRef | Node containg reference to variables |
VariableRefExpr | Concrete class for AST Node representing a variable reference |
VariableRefList | Base node class for list and map of variable references |
view | Intrinsic gui view type |
InvokerType::Visitor | InvokerType Visitor interface class |
GrammarStatement::Visitor | GrammarStatement Visitor interface class |
Expr::Visitor | Expr Visitor interface class |
Statement::Visitor | Statement Visitor interface class |
qexpr::visitor | Query expression visitor type |
GrammarMember::Visitor | GrammarMember Visitor interface class |
ImplItem::Visitor | ImplItem Visitor interface class |
TypeSpec::Visitor | TypeSpec Visitor interface class |
Closure::Visitor | QClosure Visitor interface class |
WhileStatement | AST Node representing a while statement |
widget | Intrinsic gui widget type |
WindowBlock | AST Node representing a window block |
WindowFileGenerator | Class that generates a window file |
WindowImplItem | AST Node for a window implementation |