A cross-platform functional programming language

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationT::_C_rtnTest return closure
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationT::_C_testTest closure
TypeSpec::AccessTypeOuter struct for AccessType enumeration
Closure::ActionEnumeration of actions to be taken after running the closure
anyIntrinsic any (variant) type
AnyExprConcrete class for AST Node representing an 'any'value
applicationIntrinsic application type
ApplicationSingleton class represents application
autoptr< T >Auto pointer type
any::baseAbstract base class for implementations of 'any' type
BinaryExprBase class for all binary expression AST nodes
BinaryOpExprConcrete class for all binary expression AST nodes
BlockBaseAbstract base class for AST Node representing various blocks
BooleanConstantExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a boolean constant
BreakStatementAST Node representing a break statement
bufferIntrinsic buffer type
CallClosureAST Nodes representing closures that call functions at the start of a continuation
callMethod< ObjT, T >Partial template struct to call a callback function
callMethod< ObjT, bool >Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with bool value
callMethod< ObjT, int >Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with int value
callMethod< ObjT, z::string >Partial template struct specialization to call a callback function with string value
CaseLabelAST Node representing a case label with an expression
CastExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a typecast
CharConstantExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a char constant
ChildTypeSpecBase node class typespecs that have a parent type
CleanerClass to clean up files after project generation
ClosureBase class for closures
ClosureBase class for AST Nodes representing closures
ClosureDefWriterClass that generates a closure definition
ClosureImplWriterClass that generates the body for closures
ClosureInitWriterClass that generates a closure initialization
ClosureListAST Node representing a list of closures
ClosureT< ReturnT >Wrapper around Closure base class
ClosureVisitorClass that collects external references from closures
CmdLineCommand line parser class
CmdLine::CommandCommand class
CompilerZen compiler class
ConfigThis class represents a configuration in a project (for example, dbg, rel, etc)
ConstantExprAbstract base class for AST Node representing a constant value
containerbase< listT >Base of all container classes
ContinuationBase class for continuations
ContinuationCtorWriterClass that generates a closure constructor
ContinuationDefBodyWriterClass that generates a closure body
ContinuationImplGeneratorClass that generates a call to an invocation
ContinuationImplItemAST Node for a continuation implementation
ContinuationListContinuation list
ContinuationListT< ReturnT >Base class for continuation lists
ContinuationT< ReturnT >Base class for continuations
ContinueStatementAST Node representing a continue statement
countedRudimentary time counter
counterRudimentary function timer
CppGenMain class for generating C++ code from an AST
string::creatorString creator
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V >::creatorList creator
dictbase< derT, K, V >::creatorClass to create and populate a dict instance
Scanner::cursorClass for maintaining cursor in input stream
dataIntrinsic data type
databaseIntrinsic database type
dateIntrinsic date type
datetimeIntrinsic datetime type
DeclWriterClass that generates the declarations for implementation items
DefaultLabelAST Node representing a default case label
DefineVarStatementAST Node representing a statement that defines a local variable
RefCollector::DefStackItemWrapper around a stack item
DefWriterClass that generates the definitions for implementation items
dict< K, V >Intrinsic dict type
dictbase< derT, K, V >Base class for all dicts
DictExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a dictionary value
DictExprBaseAbstract base class for AST Node representing a dictionary value
DictItemConcrete AST class for items in dictionary containers
DictListConcrete AST class for dictionary containers
DictTemplateDict template: Stores elements in a dictionary
DictTemplateExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a templated dictionary instantiation
DoWhileStatementAST Node representing a do-while statement
EmptyStatementAST Node representing an empty statement
endException end
EngineEngine class
EnumDefConcrete AST Node representing a user-defined enum
EnumMemberDefConcrete AST Node representing a member of a user-defined enumeration
EnumMemberDefListAST Node representing a list of enum members
EnumRefExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a reference to an enum member
exceptionIntrinsic exception type
ExitClosureAST Nodes representing closures that enque continuations to be executed on program exit
ExprBase class for expression AST Nodes
ExprEvaluatorClass that converts expression values
ExprGeneratorClass that writes out an expression
ExprListAST node for expression lists
ExprListWriterClas that writes out an expression list
ExprStatementAST Node representing an expression statement
ExprVariableDefBase node class for VariableDef-derived classes that has an initialization expression
ExprVisitorClass that collects external references from expressions
ExprWriterConvenience class that wraps an ExprGenerator
FiberFiber class
fileIntrinsic file type
fileinfoIntrinsic fileinfo type
filestreamIntrinsic filestream type
ForeachStatementAST Node representing a foreach statement
TypeSpecRefWriter::FormatDefines the output format for types
ForStatementAST Node representing a for statement
dictbase< derT, K, V >::foundClass holding result of a find() in a dict
FunctionBlockAST Node representing a routine block
FunctionCallAST Node for function invocation
FunctionCallClosureAST Nodes representing closures that call a single function anywhere in a continuation
FunctionCallClosureT< ReturnT >Base class for FunctionCallClosure
FunctionCallExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a call to an function
FunctionDefConcrete class for all user defined functions, routines, grammars, etc
FunctionDefCallAST Node for calling a locally defined function
FunctionDefImplExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a function definition implementation
FunctionExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a function instantiation
FunctionImplCallAST Node for calling a locally implemented function definition
FunctionImplExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a function implementation
FunctionImplItemAST Node for a function implementation
FunctionReturnStatementAST Node representing a return statement in a function block
FunctorCallAST Node for functor invocation
GDefWriterClass that generates the definitions for implementation items
GrammarBlockAST Node representing a grammar block
GrammarDefActionWriterClass that generates a grammar action body
GrammarFileGeneratorClass that generates a grammar file and calls the lexer and parser
GrammarImplItemAST Node for a grammar implementation
GrammarLexerA Grammar Lexer represents a single lexer in a grammer
GrammarLexerListAST Node for list of grammar lexers
GrammarMemberBase class for all AST nodes representing EBNF grammar RHS elements
GrammarMemberIdAST Node for EBNF element representing an id or a ID
GrammarMemberListAST representing a list of EBNF grammar members
GrammarMemberNameIdAST Node for EBNF element representing a named ID
GrammarMemberWriterClass that generates a grammar member definition
GrammarOptionAST Node for a grammar option
GrammarOptionListAST Node for list of grammar options
GrammarOptionValueListAST Node for list of grammar option values
GrammarRuleStatementConcrete class for AST node representing an EBNF gramar rule
GrammarStatementAST node base class representing a single EBNF grammar statement
GrammarStatementListAST Node for list of grammar statements
GrammarTokenAST representing a single lexer token
GrammarTokenListAST representing a list of lexer tokens
holder< V >Intrinsic holder type
IfElseStatementAST Node representing an if statement with an else
IfStatementAbstract base class for AST Node representing a conditional statement
IfThenStatementAST Node representing an if statement without an else
ProjectReader::ImplImplementation class for ProjectReader
any::impl< T >Implementation template for all 'any' types
Engine::ImplEngine implementation class
Joiner::ImplClass for implementing Joiner
Application::ImplApplication implementation class
Compiler::ImplZen compiler class implementation
ProGen::ImplImplementation of project generator class
Project::ImplImplementation of project loader class
ImplCtorWriterClass that generates the constructors for implementation items
ImplItemBase class for Implementation item nodes
ContinuationImplGenerator::ImplItemVisitorClass that generates code to initialize an implementation constructor
ImplItemVisitorClass that collects external references from implementation items
ParseContext::ImportFrameStack item for imports
ImportLevelHandlerClass to ensure proper exit from import level
ImportStatementAST Node for an import statement
IndentClass that maintains an indentation level
IndenterClass that maintains indentation in output files
ParseContext::IndexableTypeCasterThe Indexable type visitor
IndexExprAST Node for an index expression
ParseContext::IndexExprCreatorThe indexable type visitor for index expressions
InitClosureAbstract base class for AST Nodes representing initial closures
InitVariableDefThe AST Node that represents a variable initialization, such as local variables and for() variables
ParseContext::InitVariableDefCreatorThe indexable type visitor for init variable definitions
InlineInvokerClass that writes out a function invocation
InstanceExprAbstract base class for AST Nodes representing an instantiation expression
InternalCallExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a call to an internal function
InvokerHolds a invoker and call parameter
InvokerCallExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a call to an Invoker
InvokerTypeHolds a function or functor call
InvokerVisitorClass that collects external references from invokers
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V >::iteratorList iterator
dictbase< derT, K, V >::iteratorDictionary iterator class
buffer::iteratorBuffer iterator
iteratorbase< iterT, V >Base of all iterators
iteratorbaseD< iterT, K, V >Base of all dict iterators
iteratorbaseL< iterT, V >Base of all list iterators
JoinerJoiner type runners
keyIntrinsic key type
LexerThe Lexer class
LexerContextThe Lexer Context
LexerStatementA grammar statement representing a lexer
LexerStatementListList of lexer statement nodes
LinkerLinker type runners
list< V >Intrinsic list type
listbase< derT, listT, iterT, V >Base of all lists
ListBase< ItemT >Base template class for all container classes
ListExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a list
ListItemConcrete AST class for items in list containers
ListListConcrete AST class for list containers
ListTemplateList template: Stores elements in a list
ListTemplateExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a templated list instantiation
LogStatementAST Node representing a statement that writes one or more expressions to a log
LoopClosureAST Node representing a closure that causes the first closure in current continuation to execute again
LoopClosureTBase class for Loop closure
MethodTypeSpecBase class for all user defined methods such as functions, routines, grammars, etc
FunctionDef::ModifierOuter struct for Modifier enumeration
mutexIntrinsic mutex type
mutexlockerIntrinsic mutex locker type
NamespaceConcrete class for namespaces
NodeAbstract base class for all Ast nodes
nullstreamIntrinsic null stream type
NumericConstantExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a numeric constant, including integral and floating
OptimizerClass for optimizing the AST after creation
OptionBaseBase class for command line options
OptionCall< ObjT, T >Base class for option functions
OptionVar< T >Base class for option variables
OrderedExprAST Node for an ordered expression
CppGen::OutFileClass encapsulating output file stream
OutParamConcrete AST Node representing the out-parameters of a function which returns a set of values (a tuple)
OutputTypeVarious binary output types
owner< V >Intrinsic owner type
OwnerTemplateOwner template
ParamVariableDefThe AST Node that represents a function parameter
ParamWriter< T >Class to write out parameter lists
ParseContextThe Parser Context
ParserThe Parser class
PostfixOpExprAST Node for all postfix operators
PrefixOpExprAST Node for all prefix operators
processIntrinsic process type
ProGenClass for generating project files
ProjectThis class represents a project
ProjectClass for loading project files
ProjectReaderClass to create a project definition struct from an AST
propertyIntrinsic gui property type
qbinaryQuery expression binary operator type
qconstant< T, qT >Intrinsic query constant type
qexprIntrinsic query expression type
qidIntrinsic query id type
qintIntrinsic query int type
qnotQuery expression binary not type
qpairQuery expression pair
qstringIntrinsic query string type
QualifiedTypeA type with const and ref qualifiers
QualifiedTypeWriterClass that writes out reference strings for qualified types
queryIntrinsic query type
QueryBinaryExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a binary query expression
QueryConstantExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a query constant expression
QueryExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a query
QueryPartExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a query part
QueryValExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a query 'val' expression
queue< V >Intrinsic queue type
qvalIntrinsic query val type
qvisitorT< T >Abstract base class for query expression visitor
RefCollectorClass that collects external references from different AST nodes
resultIntrinsic query result type
ReturnClosureAST Node representing a closure that returns values to the parent continuation
ReturnClosureT< ReturnT >Base class for Return closure
RootTypeSpecBase node class typespecs that do not have a parent type
RoutineBlockAST Node representing a routine block
RoutineImplItemAST Node for a routine implementation
RoutineReturnStatementAST Node representing a return statement in a routine block
RunClosureAST Nodes representing closures that enque continuations for parallel processing
RunContextRunContext class
RunContextT< ReturnT >Base class for run contexts
RunModeThe run mdoe for the compiler
RunnerBase class for runners
RunnerHandlerCalls enter and leave on runner
RunQueueImplementation of run queue
ScannerClass for scanning the input stream and feeding into the lexer
ScopeAST Node representing Variable Scope
scopedptr< T >Auto pointer type
SelectStatementAST Node representing a select statement
SeparatorClass for encapsulating various list separators
set< V >Intrinsic set type
SharedClosureAST Node representing a closure that holds all variables
SharedClosureTBase class for Shared closure
SharedDefConcrete AST Node representing the list of variables shared across a continuation
sharedptr< T >Shared pointer type
SharedVariableDefThe AST Node that represents a variable in shared closure
SpliceAST Node for a splice
SpliceExprAST Node for an splice expression
stack< V >Intrinsic stack type
RefCollector::StackItemClass maintains a stack item of scopes
statementSQL query statement
StatementBase class for all AST Nodes representing executable statements
StatementBlockAST Node representing a statement block
StatementGeneratorClass that generates statements
StatementListAST Node representing a list of statements
StatementVisitorClass that collects external references from statements
StorageOuter struct for Storage enumeration
storeIntrinsic store type
streamAbstract stream type
stringIntrinsic string type
StringConstantExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a string constant
StringFormatExprAST Node representing a string format expression
stringlistIntrinsic stringlist type
ProjectReader::Impl::StringListTypeType of string list to read into
stringsetIntrinsic stringset type
stringstreamIntrinsic stringstream type
StructDefConcrete AST Node representing a user-defined struct
StructDefListConcrete AST Node representing a list of struct's. Used in experimental feature implementing subtypes
StructExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a struct instantiation
StructInitExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a struct instantiation with an alternate initialization mechanism
StructInitItemA struct initialization item for initializing individual members of a struct
StructInitListA struct initialization list
StructMemberVariableDefThe AST Node that represents a member variable inside a struct
SwitchLabelAbstract base class for AST Node representing a case label in a switch or select statement
SwitchLabelListAST Node representing a list of case labels
SwitchStatementAST Node representing a switch statement
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >::TcontinuationTTemplated base class for test continuation
TemplateTypeSpecBase class for templated types
TernaryOpExprAST Node for all ternary operators
TestFactoryBase class for test factories
TestFactoryT< T, ImplT >Templated base class for test factories
TestResultTest result class
timeIntrinsic time type
TimerRudimentary timer class
timerIntrinsic timer type
TokenThe token data returned by the scanner
TokenDataThe token data returned by the lexer
TracerClass for tracing enter and leave of functions
transactionIntrinsic transaction type
treeIntrinsic tree type
TreeExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a tree value
TypeDeclBase class for typedef declarations, typically used to declare native types
TypeDefBase class for typedef definitions
TypeDefExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a typedef instantiation
ParseContext::TypeDefSigTemporary holder for typedef signature
TypeDefTypeSpecBase class for typedef types
TypeSpecBase node class for all type specifications
TypeSpecDefGeneratorClass that generates the definitions for types
TypeSpecMemberGeneratorClass to obtain separator between elements of different types
TypeSpecMetaTypeDeclaratorClass that generates the code for registration for types
TypeSpecRefGeneratorClass that writes out reference strings for all the different types
TypeSpecRefWriterConvenience class that wraps around the TypeSpecRefGenerator class
TypeSpecStatementAST Node representing a statement that defines types within statement blocks
UnaryOpExprBase class for all unary expression AST nodes
UnitUnit class represents a single compilation unit in a project
UnitAST Node for a compilation unit
UserDefinedTypeSpecBase class for all user-defined types
VariableDefBase node class for all variable definitions
VariableDefListBaseBase node class for list and map of variable definitions
VariableDefMapThis node stores a mapping between a variable and the variable itself
VariableRefNode containg reference to variables
VariableRefExprConcrete class for AST Node representing a variable reference
VariableRefListBase node class for list and map of variable references
viewIntrinsic gui view type
InvokerType::VisitorInvokerType Visitor interface class
GrammarStatement::VisitorGrammarStatement Visitor interface class
Expr::VisitorExpr Visitor interface class
Statement::VisitorStatement Visitor interface class
qexpr::visitorQuery expression visitor type
GrammarMember::VisitorGrammarMember Visitor interface class
ImplItem::VisitorImplItem Visitor interface class
TypeSpec::VisitorTypeSpec Visitor interface class
Closure::VisitorQClosure Visitor interface class
WhileStatementAST Node representing a while statement
widgetIntrinsic gui widget type
WindowBlockAST Node representing a window block
WindowFileGeneratorClass that generates a window file
WindowImplItemAST Node for a window implementation
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines